Al-Qerhish, Abqaiq, Eastern Province Area -33267

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

(+966)13 808 4168

For any Queries

08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

Saturday - Thursday


BOP Accumulator Suitcase (Accumulator Rack) inspection and certification as per API 16D

BOP Accumulator suitcase/Accumulator Racks are used for hydraulic fluid transmission from BOP control Unit to BOP stack Ram’s bonnet. Its length & layout varies per Drilling Rig requirements. Primetech BOP Accumulator suitcase/Accumulator Racks complying the minimum API 16D latest edition design & testing requirements, or as per customer specific design requirements.

All equipments designed for RWP ≤3,000 psi, regardless of gas or oil service will be 5-year recertification. All equipments designed for RWP ≥5,000 Gas or Offshore Oil service will be 3-year recertification and will retain the balance of current 3-year certification if moving to Onshore Oil service.